About this site

My goals here are to record my experimentation with casting pewter, tin and bronze in stone, cuttlefish bone, wood, and clay as would have been done between 600 CE to around 1500 CE. Sometimes the plan will be the creation of the final object rather than the process (for instance, using an electric pot to melt the metal as opposed to a traditional clay furnace), and sometimes the process will be the goal.

Whatever the result, the act of historical experimentation is the key to having fun with this, to which end I consult books, visit museums in Europe for deeper knowledge and associate with the Society for Creative Anachronism, which is itself a society of history nerds who re-create various aspects of Medieval and early Renaissance history. After all, what is the fun of making this kind of thing if there isn’t going to be anyone to see it or to play with it? From the SCA folks I get a lot of support and try to give back, in the form of occasionally making personal or event favors of pewter and managing a Pewtering Guild within the sub group of the SCA called the Barony of Gyldenholt.

Published in: on June 22, 2010 at 9:38 pm  Leave a Comment